Wednesday, June 5, 2013

What's Communicated Is Not Necessarily What's Understood

Surprise.  I'm doing something new. It fun having fun.  I'm using this former address of mine (I transferred all the older posts to the other place.)

    There was a indigent man who approached a wealthy woman in front of her home in Atherton, "Do you have any money to spare?"

    Replied she: "I don't give out money.  But, I have a porch out in back.  I have this flat green paint.  If you paint it, I'll give you a hundred dollars."

    The man approached her, at the end of the day, splattered with paint.

      "Ma'am,  I did the best I could.  I painted every inch of it.  But, it wasn't a Porsche, it was a Mercedes." 

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